-Water supply
-Wastewater collection systems
-Wastewater and sludge treatment
iincludes industrial wastewater, septage and night soil treatmentj
-Waste management
-Septic tank planning
-Urban runoff control planning
-Water related BOP business coordinating
Up to 70 percent of the total value of wastewater infrastructure can be invested in the collection systems.OEC has a 50-year-experience, knowledge base and solution systems to tackle wastewater transportation problems. Designing more than hundreds of sewage pump stations and over 10,000km of sewers, our professional engineers have been taking aii-out efforts in providing optimal methods of construction.
-Feasibility studies, master planning
-Sewer network planning, sewer design, specifications and tender evaluation, diagnosis on the existing facilities
-Integrated urban water management
-Strategic planning
-Network modeling
-Gravity and vacuum sewerage schemes
-Pump stations
-Special structures
-EPCM services
-Overflow reduction
-Project management, Construction Supervision
Since a wastewater treatment plant consists of various kinds of facilities, it is essential to work with a team that can combine comprehensive knowledge with practical experience in the fields of chemistry, biology, hydraulics, structural engineering, architecture, mechanical processes/equipment, electrical engineering, instrumentation and control, materials handling and plant layout.
OEC can deliver various process components making up a wastewater treatment plant. We have designed and overseen more than 150 projects of wastewater and sludge treatment plants (including major municipal facilities processing 700MLD).
Our services include process design, process optimization and construction supervision. OEC can also assist clients to develop long-term, sustainable solutions for wastewater and sludge treatment including biosolids, disposal, and treated wastewater recycling.
-Feasibility studies, master planning
-Plant design (civil, mechanic, electric ) and specifications and tender evaluation, diagnosis on the existing facilities
-Facilities planning
-Alternatives analysis
-Life cycle assessment
-Comprehensive facility evaluations
-Biosolids management planning
-Process design
-Concept design
-Detailed design for bid/tender
-Design-build owner's engineering services
-Design-build and alliance partnerships
-Process and energy use optimization
-Project management, Construction Supervision
The followings are critical elements of sustainable development in terms of waste management.
-Reducing waste generation volume,
-Raising reuse and recycle rate of discarded materials,
-Effective landfill management,
-Responsible management of hazardous wastes.
Our professional engineers provide advice and solutions for the wide range of waste management issues. We facilitate you in developing sustainable practices to address your requirements or approaches.
We work closely with environmental planners, local community consultants and stakeholders to deliver a comprehensive service to our clients.
-Detailed and conceptual design for landfills, transfer stations, resources recovery facilities, containment cells, leachate treatment and rehabilitation
-Environmental management including modeling, monitoring, collection, assessments, compliance,
-Strategic planning for sitting, resource and waste management, financial modeling and recycling or resource recovery
-Legislative approvals and considerations including approvals for environmental planning, and infrastructure sitting and operations
-Alternative waste technologies assessment, selection, concept, design, feasibility and options
-Auditing for waste and compliance
-Community consultation
-Project management & construction supervision
BOP business coordinating
-supports firms which have intentions build up water related BOP business
What is BOP business?
gFor companies with the resources and persistence to compete at the bottom of the world economic pyramid, the prospective rewards include growth, profits, and incalculable contributions to humankind.h
C.K.Prahalad & S.L.Hart, gThe Fortune of Bottom of the pyramid,h 2001.